The Chairman, Imota Community Development Committee, Comr. Rafiu Abiodun Ashaka, today host other CDC Chairmen and their members in Ikorodu Division and Lagos State at large. He explained that this program has been his dream of changing the status quo of how things has been organize at the level of CDA to CDC level being a knowledge person who has serve different administration in other to gain the wealth of knowledge that is needed to bear the cross. I am happy because people honoured us from the state, the division and the community Imota.

Organizing this kind of Leadership Training for the members of Community Development Association whom are also recognize as Community Practitioner is a round peg in the round hole because it will aide them the necessary knowledge of running a seamless administration in their respective Association. Our people should let it be a place to be because through it we find lasting solution to different challenges that might be facing our area and coming together as one will give us the adequate power to tackle it.

Asiwaju Bola Tinubu brought the development we are enjoying today to us because it was during his tenure as Governor of Lagos we know what CDA is all about, meanwhile the difference between Lagos and other States is the development because they use only Association which in Lagos it have been a thing we all benefit from as a community. He furthered that, CDA belongs to all the residents of an Area from the ages of 21 above and does not exclude the tenants of the household in the area. Through the CDC there is an Advisory Council to the governor of Lagos who are advising him on the things that are needed in the sector of the CDA’s which is number of 114 from different LGA/LCDA in Lagos. Mr. Rotimi Ayoku Owolawi, the CDC Chairman of Ijede and the Vice Chairman LSCDAC.

Being a member of a CDA you must be oriented about what CDA is all about by studying and understanding the constitution as the guide in all your dealings in your CDA and to know the rudiment of how it is been run as an Association. Implementing what the constitution says will give the CDA a perfect affair that it deserve. Meanwhile this program is the best way of engaging the executives of the CDA in a way of enriching their knowledge on the way to perfect their affairs in their respective CDA’s. Alhaji Shonibare Lukman, who doubles as the Secretary Advisory Council and the Divisional Chairman of Ikorodu, Lagos State.

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