Ashaka, shomos declares ambition for Imota LCDA top seat.

In build up to the 2025 local government elections in Lagos State. Comrade Odumosu Rafiu Abiodun Ashaka and Comrade Akinyemi Olusoga Victor has thrown their hat in the ring to vye for the position of Imota local Council Development Area top seat.

The duo who are prominent figure in the youth constituency of Imota LCDA and has made considerable impact in the community take no time to declare their intent for the coming council poll.

Comrade Akinyemi Olusoga Victor popularly known as ATM in a press statement released via his verified contact;


Akinyemi Olusoga Victor

Dear good people of Imota Local Council Development Area, Leaders and Members of the African leading political party, All Progressives Congress (APC), I, Hon. Akinyemi Olusoga Victor declare my interest in joining the race for the Office of the Executive Chairman of our dear town, Imota LCDA in the upcoming 2025 Local Government Elections.

I wish to use this medium to formally declare my intention to participate in contesting for the office of the Executive Chairman, Imota LCDA – a decision borne out of the desire and confidence in my ability to serve with accountability, professionalism, and transparency in the governance at grassroots by setting a new standard for development and progress of our community.

I declare my intention to contest in this race because I believe that good governance starts at the grassroots level and things can only get better in our beloved community when some of us who have good intentions make our little efforts to participate in governance.

My decision to contest for this office is not motivated by personal gain or selfish ambition. Rather, it is driven by my desire to use my experience in the business world, integrity, capacity and readiness to serve with good spirit, and convincing track records in the party to promote the image of Imota LCDA as one of the leading Local Government Areas in Nigeria.

Imota LCDA deserves a trusted, articulate, proactive and capable individual who can rekindle the hope of the people, facilitating developmental projects and programmes that will engineer good governance and transparent democracy, and further aid in repositioning Imota on the right part. This is why I deem it fit at this appropriate time to put up the knowledge, talent and experience acquired in the business world, youth development space, and community service to enhance new initiatives for the development of Imota LCDA.

I have had the privilege of serving our town, and our great party at different levels with a philosophy guided by tenets of good conscience. My agenda for a greater Imota LCDA forms the fulcrum of my aspiration and political ambition which is to bring back the glory of Imota LCDA. Let’s join hands in the task of setting a new record for positive change and common development.

I therefore call on my followers and supporters, my political leaders, elders, artisan groups, youth, women, and all the stakeholders in Imota LCDA to join me on this noble journey towards a greater Imota LCDA. I want you all to support me, and invest your trust and confidence so that we can together place Imota LCDA at the forefront of an enviable status that everyone will be proud of.

May God help me. Amen.

Hon. Akinyemi Olusoga Victor (ATM)
Chairmanship Aspirant, Imota LCDA.

In the camp of Ashaka, An e-flier confirming his interest in the position of the council executive chairman was made to the public with write which read thus;


Odumosu Rafiu Abiodun Ashaka

My People of Imota LCDA,

From the past generations to the present generation, diverse of success stories had been written on the tablet of stone of our dear Imota LCDA and each success story is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and resilience of our heroes past.

Whether it’s an individual overcoming obstacles, families achieving remarkable goals, or the entire community coming together to create positive change. These stories highlight the incredible potential within us all.

These success stories are more than just achievements; they are beacons of hope and motivation.

They remind us that no dream is too big and no challenge is too great.

They inspire us to keep pushing forward, to support one another, and to believe in our collective potential.

As such, as we embark on this progressive trajectory, in anticipation to write another success stories that generations to come would benefit from. We therefore seek collective supports from sons and daughters, indigene and non indigene within Imota LCDA and beyond.


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